I need counseling

I know I ended with this in my last post, but seriously. I need help. I just don’t know how to deal anymore. I feel teamed up on all the time, I feel like I’m never good enough. I feel like the only thing I’m good at is disappointing my parents. Any time I feel…

“You’ll NEVER have to wait on me”

So… I’m having a bit of a hard time lately and feeling like everything I want to accomplish is too much. Okay so I have been trying to get all my ducks lined up to start school to become an Occupational Therapist Assistant (OTA for short). I’ve always believed that if something is meant to…

My Mulan Moment.

I apologize for my absence from here! I went through a pretty unstable couple of months. I started in CA, went to WA, and now I’m finally settled down in AZ. Also, I apologize because I just looked at so many “fat to fit” pictures, which led to watching weight loss journey vids…. aaaaand like…

Picking up Worms

I have the song “Somewhere Only We Know,” the cover by Lily Allen, stuck in my head. Here is the link if you’d like to listen, it’s silent for the first 5 seconds or so: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mer6X7nOY_o Just imagine listening to that while walking around, breathing in crisp, fresh air, looking up at the trees that shimmer…

Pampering Fails!

Okay so my friend and I agreed that once a week we shall pamper ourselves and try to up our skills on girl-ing. It’s supposed to be on Tuesdays but screw it, I missed Tues and today (Thurs) is closer to it than next Tuesday is. Anyway, as it stands I barely “girl” at all….